Monthly Archives: December 2017

Red Agate Stone Meaning

Blood Agate or Red Agate Stone Meaning

  • December 5, 2017

General appearance

Rounded stone, warm, with a very bright surface. Dark red or garnet color, with a “visceral flesh” tone. There are somewhat lighter scaly stripes. In some parts it presents a large clear stain reminiscent of the typical design of an agate.




Brazil, USA, India, Morocco, Czech Republic, Africa.

Zodiac sign

Scorpio, Aries


Exceptionally receptive stone, fostering peace and tranquility; It is a powerful energy cleaner with the inherent ability to soften the atmosphere of any place, even when it is full of people. This is because their energy is very stable and it is difficult to alter it with negative energies. It has a perfect harmony with ying and yang. That is why it is used when providing physical, emotional and intellectual balance. It is an excellent stone to meditate and eliminate the “astral garbage” of our visualizations. His love for truth and sincerity, both towards ourselves and towards others, make this stone strengthen and purify the bonds of friendship. They are attributed the capacity to link with the so-called “collective conscience”.

Calcite Orange Stone Meaning


In ancient Rome it was used for diseases related to blood and the bites of insects, snakes and scorpions. On an emotional level, it helps overcome depression and separation anxiety. It helps to accept our old and painful memories to keep them as a treasure and not as a scar. It helps us remember that we are never alone and makes us feel “part of a whole”.


Place on the heart chakra to strengthen affective ties. Hold in the hand or on the coronary chakra so that the equilibrium of meditation is re-established.


Place in the center of the circle when we invoke spirits or forces that tend to be deceptive or that may confuse us. If we place it next to a red or orange candle, we will strengthen the bonds of friendship, affection between father and son, and relationships with our partner, making the bond more friendly and pleasant.

Green Aventurine Stone Meaning

Cleaning and recharging

Exposure to purifying smoke or the sun. If it is done in a prolonged way the agate changes color.

Calcite Orange Stone Meaning

Calcite Orange Stone Meaning

  • December 5, 2017

Calcite Orange Stone Meaning and Uses

General appearance

Stone conglomerate of dark orange color to clear, dense, heavy, and cold. Opaque, although its brightness is glassy. Rough, it gives the feeling that it is undone or stained when touched, but in reality it is very hard.


Easy to get.


USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil.

Zodiac sign

Leo, Aries.


Highly energizing and cleansing stone, especially for the lower chakras (power, base, and root). It gives us strength, energy and takes away the feeling of exhaustion, both physical and mental. It balances emotions, dissipates fear and helps overcome depression. It dissolves the problems, making us think of them in a simpler way, without allowing us to “drown in a glass of water”, seeing things more complicated than they really are, or overwhelming us for it. Maximize the potential of our power, and help us find our source of inspiration, will and determination to develop it.

White Calcite Meaning and Uses


It heals the reproductive system, the bladder and intestinal disorders (such as irritable bowel syndrome, or the symptoms of Chron’s disease), and eliminates excess mucus.


On the power chakra, if we place ourselves in the position of the lotus, and hold the stone in our hands, close to the belly; we can meditate to find the focus of our power, calling at the same time to serenity, to be aware of the responsibility involved in awakening them.


It is used mostly in circles and protection rituals. In psychic or spiritual battles it is very useful, because it is a source of power and energy that takes a long time to spend.

Cleaning and recharging

Anyone is worth.

Orange Calcite is great for healing one mentally, as it balances the emotions, heals past life trauma, removes fear and helps one to overcome depression. It has the ability to dissolve problems that are blocking one from reaching their true potential.

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  • Heals Reproductive System
  • Alleviates Gallbladder Problems
  • Reduces Mucous
  • Reduces Fatigue
  • Aids Calcium Intake and Assimilation
  • Restores Mental and Emotional Equilibrium

Useful For Intestinal Disorder

White Calcite stone Meaning

White Calcite Meaning and Uses

  • December 5, 2017

General appearance

Milky white stone, translucent, covered by bands. Light touch rugged, cracked. It may remind us a bit of marble, but in shades of white and gray. I could pass by any stone that you would find on a mountain, although some geodes and crystalline shapes with an artisan touch are very interesting and striking.




USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil.

Zodiac sign



Powerful amplifier and energy cleaner. When it has a “rainbow” inside by the refraction of light, it indicates that it is a stone of new beginnings. It has the gift of a deep healing of the soul and revitalizes the subtle bodies. In general, white calcite is a very active crystal that accelerates the development and personal growth. As a spiritual stone, it facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities, channeling and astral travel. It allows the soul to remember experiences when it returns to the body. When calcites of various colors are used together, they clean the physical and subtle bodies, and used in a grid, it balances and energizes all the chakras.

Moss Agate Crystal Meaning and Uses


Excellent “cure”, especially in elixir, as it is a powerful detoxifies. It acts as an antiseptic and opens and cleans the internal and external eyes. It is also related to the strengthening of the skeleton and joints, and helps bones absorb calcium. It also strengthens the immune system and potentiates growth in young children.


The mere fact of having calcite in the room cleanses negative energies from the environment and enhances personal reserves. Take it hanging or in goldsmith, especially as earrings. Use in essence or in elixir.


Place in frame around the bed to meditate or start an astral trip, visualizing it as our “capsule” that will allow us to store the information of the trip and recover it when returning.

Healing Crystals Exporters

Cleaning and recharging

Anyone is worth.

White Calcite absorbs energy and returns it to the sender having transmuted and amplified it.

White Calcite cleanses the auric field and chakras, and is the stone of new beginnings.

Crystal Healing Uses

  • White Calcite helps dissolve pain and lower blood pressure.
  • White Calcite harmonises the bodies ability to assimilate calcium.
  • White Calcite is a powerful detoxifier and acts as an antiseptic.
  • White Calcite is useful for past life healing situations.