Tag Archives: Petalite Meaning



  • April 11, 2020

Petalite crystallizes in masses, it belongs to the monoclinic system, also called oblique or clinorombic, its fundamental geometric shape is an oblique prism whose base is a rhombus; with a binary axis or a plane of symmetry. Colors range from transparent, white, gray, pink and light green.

The first time I had this stone in my hand, I immediately felt its subtle energy, very high, but very strong. Petalite is a very special Crystal, also called an angel stone, because it enhances connections with angels or higher dimensions.

Their energy can transport you from immediate reality to other distant ones; but there is something in it that keeps you here, planted, rooted and that is a very special feature for such a subtle stone; it shows that the human is ready to be multidimensional. So you can download all the information you get with it in meditation, or using it, all those illuminations that it transmits to you on the physical plane, feeling a force of renewal, feeling that you can solve something, understand something, go beyond, overcome any situation.

It is a very powerful stone, full of very high vibrations that will put you in contact with your spiritual guides, Animals Totems, with your soul, with the ancestors etc. So it is a great stone to use during your self-search and growth meditations or when you do rituals, when you work with the Medicine Wheel, Temazcal or any sacred space; for La Petalita will cover and protect the space with its great light and strength and will establish the channels for communication to flow between the worlds.

It is a Stone full of Peace, which shelters you with its great light and guides you with its voice, allowing you to go deeper within a meditation or within a spiritual investigation.

It is a connector; it has grooves, so the speed flows freely. It connects you with what you want to connect with, be they people, patients, guides, angels, crystals, etc. To dream she is also an excellent companion and protector during the astral journey.

If someone wants to learn to meditate, it is a very good tool to start, because it stops the mind immediately and will give you a balance between being here and there and will help you understand your depths and the presence of the other dimensions.

In his company, you will be highly protected to immerse yourself in the other planes.

With it you can practice expanding your vision, to see the auras and you can clean the aura too, taking it with you or passing it around the person’s auric field.

It works on any chakra, although its subtle energy between the eyebrows or the crown chakra will be essential. But by putting it in any other chakra what you will generate will be the stimulation of the most subtle and divine energies of that chakra. EX: Root chakra, the Kundalini.

It is a stone for the student of himself who wishes to develop his superior subtle capacities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy and empathy. All of this can be very useful for a Crystal therapist.

She is loving and sweet, but she is also full of joy and drive and will stimulate you to follow her and move forward.

La Petalita connects the subtle bodies and aligns them, cleanses them of negative energy and will be a firm helper to release the aura of entities. Cleanse in a spiritual way, which can free you from negative karma by understanding the implicit lesson. It also aligns the two cerebral hemispheres and the ying-yang giving you a feeling of well-being and stability in the mind, body and spirit.

It is a very strong energy vortex; you can use it in Crystal therapy or other alternative therapies to really connect the person with the realms of light.

As a powerful stone and vortex, use it with great respect, she is a continuous source of Holy Light energy, and wherever you put it she will be emanating this energy.

At the Physical level it will be a great pain reliever, it will help you to lower a fever, to relax any area in tension. It works in the endocrine system, as it is a spiritual stone. It also works by bringing harmony to the cellular level, bringing light to the cells, so it is perfect for people with cancer or AIDS. It also helps correct vision, treats the lungs and the entire area of ​​muscle tension. It will also treat depression and emotional overflow.

Depending on its color, it will act on the heart if it is pink or green or gray to clean. The transparent has that level of transmission and elevation.

May this Crystal of pure light illuminate your days and your work and help you advance on your path of light. She is full of illuminations to share, she is a great friend, always loyal, always strong, and ready to sweep away what she is not and help you to direct yourself in higher and deeper senses.

Prehnite Healing Properties