beryl gemstone

Rutilated Quartz | Beryl Gemstone

  • November 29, 2014

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is a symbol, along with other crystals, patience, harmony and happiness. Its main action is to induce the making of important decisions affecting a before and after being associated with the archetype of death and resurrection. It helps dissolve negative thought patterns, neutralizing the fears and depression and unlocking trauma. Let’s try pictures of great pain, depression, bipolar people, and is also suitable for perfectionists and self-centered. Recommended for people who have to coordinate physical force with mental strength.

Good for Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Fifth and seventh chakra.

Rutilated Quartz gemstone India


Beryl is used to disable and enable the psychic blocks intellectual development. Regulates the absorption of food and aids digestion, and controlling gastrointestinal functions. It is also recommended for asthma and other respiratory ailments. It can be used to mitigate liver disorders.

beryl gemstone


The Chrysoprase is a stone perfect for people who carry on their shoulders the responsibility of many people. Promotes compassion and humility and helps us improve our ties with loved ones . It is considered the stone of faith and vitality and used as a shield against negativity. It also helps us to carry out our projects and increase intuition.

Physically it is used to treat mental pictures serious, seizures, tremors, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, heart failure, arrhythmias, circulation problems and nerve.

Cardiac Chakra. Good for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

chrysoprase gemstones


The Diopside is a gem that brings happiness and comfort to those who trust in it, as it combats the causes sadness and joy in people who carry, making it highly recommended in cases of depression. It also helps to achieve mental clarity and ease of speech, providing sympathy and knowledge to facilitate dialogue and communication in our personal relationships. Helps overcome fears and inhibitions, especially in those who have had a traumatic childhood. It is a stone that brings moderation, harmony, balance and strengthens our attitude towards life.

Physically acting on the circulatory system, strengthens the heart and kidneys, balances the hormonal system and acidity.

Good for all signs. Heart Chakra.

meaning of Diopside gemstone