Master Crystal

MASTER CRYSTALS | Coyote | Jaguar | Benefits | Kabeer Agate

  • May 9, 2020

A Crystal Master is a Universal Grand Master, versed in distant wisdoms that we can now begin to know and understand and is in your life just when you are ready to access this knowledge.

Quartz with specific geometries for different purposes has been called Master Crystals. As quartz is the highest consciousness in the kingdom of crystals, and has a very high spiritual development, it generates specific geometries for higher purposes such as the channeling of knowledge, penetrating the internal threshold itself, being able to look at the aura, make subtle operations , program crystals, archive old specific information, connect with other plans and many other possibilities.

Much has been said about these Crystals, I think that what makes a Master Crystal is its great wisdom, its powerful presence, a special halo surrounds them, and one can feel that this crystal has something unique. For me all Crystals are very special, each one has its own unique personality, its unique experience, but it is true that there are crystals that emanate something that goes further.

Once I found among the miners a very rare crystal, I recognized it immediately, its shape was unique, it was several crystals in one, as in forms of diamonds literally, it did not correspond to any form described as Master Crystal but I knew that it was, and I was happy, it is something like that inside you experience an ecstatic state, something inside you knows that you have found a treasure and your whole body vibrates with emotions; I gave this Crystal to my sister, since I wished that she also had a Master with her and her experiences with this Crystal have been wonderful, after we discovered that she was an Eternal-Isis-Tantric Twin -Window, a Crystal without equal.

There are crystals that have received ancient programming from other civilizations in the hope that someday someone who resonates with this knowledge could access it. The Master Crystals are a great Universe, their knowledge is accessed in different ways, each one must follow their intuition on how to use them, I think that it is the best way, the correct one, to follow your intuition, to communicate with the Crystal; it is they who they show us the ways and the ways. Although the techniques described by healers work and serve as a first step, you end up developing your own way of interacting with them.

Below I show you a little of each Master crystal in the hope that they come into your life and you can discover them.


They are male crystals, geometrically they must have a majority of triangles at the tip, ideally they have the 6 triangles or most of them, direct energy directly through the axes towards the tip of the Crystal allowing optimal energy mobilization.

They are therefore used in healing, as staves of the healer because they will direct the energy of the other crystals correctly and totally and the energy inside the crystal atom by atom. With them you can align the chakras and do all kinds of healing work. It is the instrument par excellence of the healer and in its natural state they are not easy to find, the majority that you find in stores have been carved like this and this could have changed the true geometry of the crystal, inside it may not be a Jaguar; it is always best to look for natural crystals, which have not been cut by man, the best always comes from the miners who remove them from the earth and do not transform them.

It is also the Quartz that must be used to program crystals, for its direct and active energy, which transcends the planes and allows the noble programs of healing to resonate in the higher planes.


They have also been called CHANNEL CRYSTALS, they are the female crystals, their geometry must have a larger main face in the front whose edges or sides are 7, and on the opposite side, behind the Crystal there must be a triangle. This makes it a crystal capable of channeling information from oneself, from other planes, information from other beings, you can find out about how a place is by putting the crystal in place and then you put the wide face on your third eye and receive the information how is that place energetically, what things have happened there.

This Crystal allows you to develop your clairvoyance and connect with other planes of consciousness. They are also witnesses to everything that happens, you can always ask them about what they see, for example in a place where there was a robbery and the Crystal was present, he can tell you in meditation who it was, etc.

Its 7-sided main face means that it is an access door to the inner truth; with it you can channel your own inner truth, the voice of your soul. Its seven sides represent the seven virtues to access the truth: Love, knowledge, freedom, the ability to project or create, joy, peace and unity.

It’s opposite three-sided face, or triangle, represents that knowledge is revealed through the verb, the voice, that is, the Crystal can speak and communicate.

They show us and allow us to communicate with inner knowledge and can be used to obtain answers to immediate questions.


Like Coyote crystals or Channelers, they are crystals that manifest 7 and 3, but Transmitting Crystals have two symmetrical main faces at the tip, each with 7 sides and in the middle of these two there is an exact triangle that is in all the center or front of the Crystal. The Transmitter is the masculine, the one that projects the information, the Channeler is the one that receives and channels information, and it is the feminine.

The Seven, which is the divine realization, the concretion of magic, and the three that unites mind-body-soul and allows the verbalization of the universe of seven. The combination of two sevens and the three in between creates the possibility for the being to transmit structures of thought to the universal mind and obtain the answer to any question.

They serve to consciously communicate with other life forms or to communicate telepathically between two people. Basically they are transmitters of thought.

Thought must be clearly tuned, to get a clear answer; you must ask a clear and specific question. Thus, the Transmitting Crystals teach us the lesson of fine-tuning communication with the world, learning to think clearly and being able to clearly define what we want to know.

In this way, if we do not obtain a clear answer of what we want to know, we realize that we are in confusion and we will be able to reflect on what is happening in our thinking. As we ask, as it will be answered.

To use the Transmitting Crystals one must first clarify his thoughts, know clearly what you want to transmit or ask, you put the central triangle in your third eye and clearly project the question or concern. Then you leave the Transmitter on your glass altar or in a special place, where it is isolated from other influences for 24 hours. Then you come, at the same time, and put the central triangle back on your brow and receive the answer.

To communicate telepathically between two people you put the triangle on your forehead, you transmit the message and then you pass it on to the other person so that they can receive it by putting the triangle on their forehead. You could also program a Transmitter so that it transmits information to another Transmitter Crystal that has another person with whom you want to communicate telepathically; that other person will use their own Transmitter to receive your messages.

All this seems incredible when you read it, but once you experience it you simply realize that crystals are transmitters of light and thought and that they have total capacity to do this, then, many less things start to seem incredible to you, your mind becomes It opens and your own brain capacities begin to develop as they are reflected in the capacities of the crystals.

They should be cleaned with water, sea salt and sun after streaming with them and you should always thank the Crystals for anything they do for you.

Wholesale Tumble Stones

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