Monthly Archives: October 2018


Agates: its different forms

  • October 15, 2018

Agate listed: the lines that form its drawing go in accordance with the border that delimits its exterior. They are the most common to find along with those of circular drawings (Agates almost everything about them).

Walled agate: the interior drawing, instead of forming rounded circles, forms peaked lines as if it were a fortification. This type of cutting agate is special for crimping it in the form of a pendant since it emits an energetic quality of protection as a shield over the area of ​​the body where it is located (chakra of the heart or of the solar plexus).

Circular agate: the drawings inside it form concentric circles. They are the most requested to apply in face therapy for their harmonizing energy and concentrating capacity of positive vibrations on the area of ​​the body where it is located. This type of cut agate, is the most valued to be carved in a circular way and make the most appreciated pendants for its beauty and originality of form (Agates almost everything about them).

Orbicular agate: it is characterized because the drawing formed by the concentric circular lines of its interior, adopt the shape of an eye. This type of agate has always been highly valued by mediums and people who practice the art of divination since it is attributed, by affinity, the ability to see beyond the real and physical

Druze Agate: it is a type of agate in whose center there is still a hole like a druse that contains small or medium crystal formations. Very appreciated also for pendants, rings, as well as large pieces for collectors and ornamental effects in decoration of interior spaces given its spectacular beauty (Agates almost everything on them).

Amorphous agate: very difficult to find and that is usually part of private collections because they are unique pieces. The one that shows the photograph comes from Catamarca, Argentina and it is a formation of jade-agate with an internal clustered shape. They are usually rare pieces, highly valued by original mineral collectors (Agates almost everything about them).

The circular agate is a chalcedony belonging to the family of quartz. The name of agate was formerly given to be in abundance on the banks of a river in southern Italy, the Achates.

What we call circular agate, is not really a concrete mineral but a microcrystalline variety of quartz called chalcedony (as for example the onyx, which is a chalcedony or black agate that sometimes has white bands), or according to its inclusions, we have the called landscape agates or dendritic agates, mossy agates, fire agate, Allegate agate or agate eye – highly valued since ancient times in Egypt where it was carved in the form of an ocular pupil to adorn statues, or agate sardonyx, mottled, etc.

Agates are minerals of volcanic origin; in its growth, in its original formation, it grew inside a mineral bubble where it was united in a significant and unique way, temperature, pressure and space allowing its siliceous atoms and molecules to grow for millennia to end up merging giving rise to the circles that its surface presents and that when it reaches our hands, in the form of a cut of the original piece, still retains all the force as a hermetic principle “the whole is in the part and the part in the whole”; that is his energetic secret  ( Agatas almost everything about them).

Sometimes, as we can see in some agates, these tiny quartz crystals are visible because the piece of agate has been cut without having reached this natural fusion in its process, and before such originality, these pieces they are usually destined to jewelry where they are traditionally set in their outline to be used as hanging originals, medallions and necklaces. The beauty of form and color of the circular agate cannot be appreciated until it is cut, since its external appearance is of a dark, gray or brown stone. At other times, the bubble where the agate has been growing , did not contain enough silica and the quartz tips, when opened in its middle, present the formation that we know as geode(a hollow structure, as if it were a cave, with small transparent quartz or amethyst throughout its interior).

The circular agate is a hard mineral for being quartz, however very fragile for its size that turns it into a delicate mineral (Agates, composition and function).

Nowadays the agates that we can acquire come from Brazil mainly, from Uruguay, Argentina and also from some areas of India, China, Iceland, Italy, Romania and Madagascar (Agates almost everything on them).

Circular agates, crystalline nuclei of strength and wonder.

This mineral presents a particular and unique beauty in its concentric circles. These circles can be very varied as can be seen in the photographs, the most spectacular being those with a circular banded coloration – hence we call them circular agates – in different shades keeping the uniformity of the same chromatic band generally.

These circles are genuine energy concentrators of balance and harmony energy, as we will see in the section on their crsitalotherapeutic qualities (Agates almost everything about them).


Agates almost everything about them

  • October 15, 2018

Agates almost everything on them: A circular cats, especially of orange / brown tones, can  dissipate with its energy of slow vibration, pain or discomfort in some part of the body, dissipates almost miraculously if we hold between our hands or apply in the painful area.

Agates almost everything about them:

Almost everything, because new qualities and discoveries about them always appear.

Agates qualities in crystal therapy and personal use:

Carrying a circular agate set as a pendant at the level of the solar plexus, we will notice an improvement in vitality, especially in stages of physical or mental stress where stress accompanies the sensation of exhaustion: the vitalizing energy of the circular agate will exercise, as of energetic battery, a great help (Agates, composition and function).

If fatigue is felt in the legs, especially if due to our work we spend many hours standing or walking, we will notice an extraordinary relief when placing several pieces of circular agates on them for a few minutes in a relaxed position (Agates almost all about them).

If the tiredness we accuse as a headache, mental exhaustion from studying and excessive sight in too many hours in front of the computer screen, also in a relaxed position and with closed eyes, we can place several cuts of circular agate on The forehead area lasts 15 or 20 minutes; relief we will notice both physically and energetically to feel refreshed, clear.

Carried like a choker around the neck, matching its position on the throat, will provide ease of speech (Agates almost everything on them).

Another invaluable application of crystal therapy, is the renewing and inspiring force in terms of creativity that this mineral can provide us if we place for a few minutes a day periodically, for example three times a week, several pieces of circular cut agate in orange tones, on the belly area, surrounding the navel, in a state of relaxation, while reading or listening to music.

Regarding its application in face therapy to patients / clients of Cristaloterapia, we will apply cutting agates in the areas where physical pain or discomfort is physically felt as part of the imposition of crystals.

It should be noted that the agates that are sold in some stores of blue or fuchsia, have been artificially dyed with acids and, although their color is very attractive, they are not the most suitable for their crystallotherapeutic use (Agates almost everything on them). Being quartz, the agates can be cleaned by immersing them in water and salt or in seawater. So that our circular agates remain revitalized, you only have to bury them once in a while in soil, sand or green clay. In the event that we feel that our circular agate cuts have lost their shine, we can revitalize them by placing them for a few days on a bed of earth rich in humus or on the sand of the beach ( Agatas almost everything on them).

Agates, its magic, legends and curiosities:

The agates, since prehistory, have been cut to be part of the clothing as a protective amulet, probably before the fascination of its form, especially the circular agates, and, today are still one of the preferred assemblies by jewelers and artisans to make pendants by the well-known energetic property of dissipating possible tangles of negative energy, alleviate the mental fatigue and positively enhance the mood of joy and well being both physical and mental ( Agates, composition and function).

Some smaller pieces that also have concentric circles, are intended for the size and assembly of rings, since they are very original (Agates almost everything on them).

The capacity of conservation and energization of this type of agate, made that from the antiquity, bottles and containers were carved to maintain oils and oils to anoint. It is said that the cup in which Jesus drank at the Last Supper, the Holy Chalice, was carved in agate. (Interestingly, I have been able to verify that the griálica glass conserved in the cathedral of Valencia – and that for many connoisseurs in the subject, it is the Holy Grail-, it is a vessel the size of a cup carved in circular agate of orange colors and whose dating is more than two thousand years ago, whose pedestal and asitas were later placed in a work of goldsmithing, is behind a thick glass inside the same cathedral, and has been used to officiate Mass for each of the Popes of the Vatican that has gone to Spain at different times).

Circular agate cuts have always been used as protection from energies of jealousy and envy, taking them as a pendant on the body, mainly at the level of the heart or the solar plexus.

The agate of brown and green tones is especially effective to maintain and restore the health of the plants; it can be added to the water of watering either directly on the ground near the stem or also by spraying water with a few drops of its elixir on the plant. Several pieces of cutting agate can be placed on the surface of the pot.

It is known that already the Babylonians, Chaldeans and Romans, carved boches, buckles, cameos and other types of ornaments made with this type of circular agates  ( Agates almost everything on them).

Agates, its different and wonderful forms:

Agate landscape: also called dendritic agate because it seems to be a landscape or hand painted painting. It is said of this type of agate that favors the growth and good condition of indoor plants. Some of them, especially if they are transparent or translucent, look like authentic Christmas landscapes (Agates almost everything about them).

Pseudoagata: it is a very original type of agate since there are no circular formations in its interior but its internal drawing forms triangles with a pyramidal appearance. It is a type of agate highly valued by the North American channelers as a personal meditation stone since it is said to activate the internal vision.

Agate Spinach: this type of agate is used to make carvings of ornamental objects given its originality. It is a chalcedony with greenish inclusions that gives it an aspect reminiscent of the spinach leaf, hence its name (Agates almost everything about them).

Mossy Agate: It is called Mossy Agate to the colorless and translucent chalcedony that contains in its interior columnar green hornablenda that gives it the appearance of moss and hence its name. At an energetic level, this type of agate brings calmness and inner peace by holding it in your hands when we meditate  ( Agates almost everything on them).

Agate Dulcote: it is a type of agate native to the area of ​​Somerset, in the south of England and that we can acquire in the mineral trades of Glastonbury. Its color is reddish and although it is not as attractive or transparent as the circular and translucent agates, it has an energetic force of the earth to which it belongs: vitality, rooting, strengthening of the will and personal confidence (Agates almost everything about them).