Monthly Archives: May 2018

Apatite stone

Apatite Properties of Stone

  • May 18, 2018

Healing Crystal Apatite Stone

In geology, “deceptions “It is customary to call the rocks imitating metal nuggets. However, the real geological “deceiver” is apatite – and not only because his name in Greek means just a strong inclination to deceive. Calcium phosphate, being a part of this mineral in close connection with molecular calcium, forms geometrically corrects formations, capable of intensive growth, and resembling expensive crystals of precious stones. Drushes of apatite can reach multi-meter sizes and masses of several hundred kilograms! However, not all mineral concretions are equally good. The jewelry is of small crystals of transparent apatite. And only not many of them are endowed with sufficient purity to get into the skilful hands of the cutter.

Three faces of apatite

In modern science, there are three varieties of this mineral: flour apatite, chlorapatite, hydroapatite. Three varieties do not mean only three variants of “appearance”: apatite has so many variations on the theme of transparency and chromaticity that in the past even observant minerologists easily misled the nature of the stone. The impurities of macro- and microelements, heavy metals, non-metallic compounds radically change the face of the stone. Unbelievably beautiful transparent crystals of light violet or pink color. However, much more common formations of green and blue shades. The cut crystals of apatite are very reminiscent of beryl, tourmaline and even thick-green diopside. Not too great hardness of the mineral – the first difference of the deceptive gem fromother precious stones.

Apatity in the world

Industrial extraction (and, together with it, selection of jewelry crystals) apatite is conducted in the north of Russia and in Finland (blue stone); in Norway (moroxites of the color of the sea wave). Green stones come from the shores of the Indian Ocean and from Canada. Yellow and brown stones are mined on the American continent. Violet and colorless apatites – comes from Europe. Relatively recently discovered deposits of pink apatites – in the Pamirs and Transbaikalia.

Turquoise Properties of Azure Stone

Effects on humans

Apatite is a stone that works best in combination with other minerals. If yellow and brownish crystals activate the work of the heart, blue apatite, combined with aquamarine, helps lecturers and singers. The overall harmonization of the physical and mental state of the body goes faster if a person wears intensely colored blue apatites with rock crystal or diamonds. Green apatites contribute to the development of an optimistic outlook on life. Mixing green and blue in the color of the crystal means that this stone is useful to a person in need of periodic pacification and comfort. In black magic, apatite is not used, because it is basically impossible to harm a person.

The magical power of a mineral

Preventing life shocks – that’s what the owner of apatite jewelry can count on. This stone casts prophetic dreams, mobilizes foresight, and strengthens the intuitive awareness of danger. When wearing it, the mineral manifests itself in completely physical ways. When the danger is thickened, the skin in the place of contact with the stone is irritated, it itches, it turns red. The appearance of a desire to remove ornamentation from apatite is the correct evaluation criterion of a sharp increase in the threatening danger. However, one should not part with a faithful servant: Apatite is so deeply rooted in the nature of man that after losing from the master loses its visual merits, and from the precious stone often turns into a dull shining fragment of the rock.

Interaction with the signs of the zodiac

Signs of Fire (Lions, Sagittarius and Aries) can wear apatite with confidence in the benefits of contact. But Pisces stone is contraindicated: its soothing effect makes Pisces drowsy. It should, however, be borne in mind that the effectiveness of a stone depends on its naturalness. Changes in color and structure occurring after heating, digestion in an active medium, sizing and other methods of “refinement”, taken from masters of southern countries, reduce the effectiveness of apatite.

Collection of Agate Properties

Turquoise Stone Meaning

Turquoise Properties of Azure Stone

  • May 18, 2018

Meaning and Healing Properties of Tarquise

Turquoise is a stone, called by its very name, to bring joy and happiness. The name of the gem came to us from Farsi. “Firyuza” by the Persians – this is an elated mood, and a blossoming flower, and shared with each other pleasure. “Piruz” – and at all “victory”. The main property of turquoise, the Persians found, is the ability to overcome enemies!

Arabs, borrowing the Persians word, began to consider the blue stone as a talisman of luck. The reigning Islam readily accepted the gem: the story of the prophet Muhammad was engraved on a particularly worthy piece of turquoise.

In Europe, turquoise was rated as the best of the Saracen stones. The mineral was called a celestial stone and Egyptian azure. In the course of the story there was a legend that turquoise appeared from the bones of the deceased righteous, and gives the person the opportunity to improve right up to obtaining the right to ascension to heaven.

Rebirth, however, is hampered by sins. Persevering in unbelief makes the heavenly stone turn green – and the green turquoise’s ability to bring the mortal closer to the kingdom of God is lost…

Physico-chemical properties of turquoise

Turquoise is a complex copper and aluminum phosphate, a mineral of sedimentary origin. Chemical formula CuAl6 ∙ (OH) 2 ∙ PO4 ∙ 4H2O

Hardness up to 6 points on the Mohs scale. Density up to 3 g / cm3. Transparency – opaque, can shine dull green. The crystals are small, up to 0.3 mm in length; are rare.

Color: various shades of blue, green (from apple to olive). It is brown and even petty. Dark mesh (sometimes reminiscent of cobweb) pattern on the stone is formed by veins of shales, iron oxides, manganese.

Distinguish the so-called “lacy” turquoise – a stone, folded by rounded deposits of copper aluminophosphate. Polishing lace turquoise reveals the concentrically zoned color of the segments.

Deposits of turquoise

Rich deposits of quality turquoise are concentrated in Iran. It was Iranian turquoise from Nishapur that became the object of veneration in the countries of the ancient world. A thousand years earlier – and just over 6,000 years ago – turquoise mining in the Sinai Peninsula began.

The American state of Arizona is famous for its turquoise mines. The quality of Arizona gems is close to the parameters of the Iranian stone. Central Asian, South American and Australian deposits of turquoise give an enormous amount of a colored mineral of average quality.

The legendary stone

Gem, whose history in terms of duration equals the history of mankind itself, could not but draw legends. In the Russian tradition, a belief has arisen that it is possible to find turquoise only at the place of death (another option is at the grave) of a person who suffered from unrequited love and died from an excess of feelings. To buy a turquoise as a gift to the girl was impossible – in order to avoid failures in the personal life of the donee.

Buddhists appreciate turquoise as a stone that helped the enlightened Shakyamuni destroy the demon. Tibetans, revered the Buddha, changed their names to “turquoise roofs” and “turquoise vaults”, wishing to receive the greatness of dharma.

Biotite Stone Meaning

Legends of North American Indians told of the goddess of Heaven, crying with turquoise tears. Pieces of blue with a green gem not only were appreciated and collected, but also served as a means of exchange in the calculations, thus replacing money.

Until recently, cavalrymen from all countries of Europe tried to wear at least one ring with turquoise. The blue stone seemed to reduce the weight of the rider, and due to this, falling from the horse, the person was less injured. If bruises and abrasions occur, it was customary to apply turquoise to them to speed up healing.

Some modern doctors believe that the effect of such treatment is real. Copper ions, entering the bloodstream through the skin, are really capable of accelerating metabolic processes.

Therapeutic properties of turquoise

Ancient Persian tracts, which have survived to this day, recommend the use of crushed turquoise in a variety of cases. The ointment with turquoise powder was attributed to the ability to treat ulcers and eye diseases, infectious lesions of mucous surfaces and light skin burns. Reception of a water infusion of a semiprecious stone was recommended to eliminate nervous excitation, fear, and anxiety. Turquoise powder served as a cure for hepatic fever.

The Arabs treated turpentine hepatitis and inflammation of the stomach. It was believed that the silver plate, adorned with turquoise inserts, is the best contact remedy for stopping traumatic bleeding. Pribintovyvaya silver with turquoise to the wound, Arab doctors could really stop the flow of blood and to reduce the incidence of infection of wound surfaces.

In Eurasia, it is widely believed that the healing properties of turquoise are manifested only in the “young” mineral, to which the gem is assigned a pronounced blue color. Green and the more white turquoise are considered “old” (white – gray) and inactive.

The Aztecs, on the other hand, felt the greatest impact force from a greenish stone of the color of sea water. However, as a purely therapeutic means of turquoise, they were not used. It was considered sacrilege to adapt the sacred gift of the gods to the practical needs of man. Another matter is supernatural needs…

Magic properties of turquoise

Following ancient Persia, modern Europe considers turquoise as a stone that attracts luck, which gives success and joy. A special role is assigned to the blue mineral in matrimonial matters. It is believed that the wearing of turquoise rings, carved from one stone, strengthens the conjugal ties.

In America (especially in the USA), natural turquoise is used as a focus of forces capable of comforting the heart broken by love failures. American magicians recommend conducting every evening tactile, visual and verbal communication with turquoise. It is noted that a positive effect is achieved after the first session.

Magic properties of turquoise are not limited to helping a person in matters of the heart. The Arabs, who adored the blue stone, especially if the natural form of turquoise concretions resembled a woman’s breast, noticed: the hand decorated with a turquoise ring never poorens. Especially effective is the mineral, if a ring with a turquoise insert is worn at the time of the moon rising at the new moon.

Agate Stone Jewellery

The purity of the sky color gives turquoise the opportunity to save the owner from poisons. The bites of small insects are insensitive to a person who always wears jewelry with a blue gem. True, the zodiacal Lions of turquoise do not really help. Sagittarians are more suited to the color stone of the misty sky (whitish blue). Taurus and Scorpio can successfully count on green stones. White turquoise helps Aries, Virgins and Pisces. The other signs of the zodiac are classic blue turquoise.

Biotite Stone Meaning

Biotite Stone Meaning and Uses

  • May 18, 2018

Biotite Can Connect You to Healing Energies

Minerologists do not live peacefully. There was a mineral biotite, named so in the middle of the XIX century in honor of the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Biot, who studied, among other things, the polarization properties of mica.

The mineral biotite was related to micas of complex composition. And now, two hundred years of quiet biotite life have not passed, just as the revolution broke out. Mineralogists were consulted, and deprived a number of micas of high status. From now on, biotite is not a mineral at all, but simply a solid solution of a considerable list of substances.

Geologists, however, are allowed to call a biotite group of mica that does not contain lithium – but only in the field.

Biotite in nature

From the chemical point of view, biotite is alumina silicate of potassium, magnesium and iron, combined with fluorine and a hydroxyl group. The color of biotite, depending on the presence and concentration of impurities, can be yellowish, and dark green, and red-brown, and generally almost black. Glitter is glass, with weathering – golden, metallic.

Biotite crystals often have the appearance of plates – which is characteristic of micas. Layers are easily separated from each other. Separate sheets of crystals are elastic, strong, and elastic. Sometimes flat growths of biotite reach impressive – a few square meters – in size.

Biotites are widely distributed and are part of many metamorphic rocks. Particularly beautiful are the leaves of biotite, many glittering in the thickness of the granite. Deposits of biotite are rich in valuable minerals – quartz, muscovite, feldspars, and garnets. However, biotite itself is not very actively used by man…

Biotite application

Biotite is unstable to weathering. It quickly erodes, as a result of which mica plates lose flexibility and strength, visually “bronze”, turn yellow, crumble. Therefore, the scope of economic use of biotite is limited.

Amethyst Stone Meaning and Properties

Crushed weathered biotite is added to the paint and polymer coatings to create a spectacular golden shine. Cement mortar with a good addition of mica from time to time is included in the architectural fashion as a lining material.

Insulating tape made of mica – winding of cable cores – can also be made using biotite. Sometimes the original heat resistance of biotite finds its application. For collectors of mineralogical samples, biotite is valuable. A scattering of the smallest biotite plates in the feldspar creates aventurine. Exceptionally rare for emeralds, the effect of asterism – a six-beam star – occurs when the thinnest laminae of biotite grow into a crystal. However, the Tanzanian emeralds found near Lake Manyara, biotite prevented the glory. Excessive mica ingrownions deprived Manyara’s emeralds of the possibility of cutting.

Biotite as a geological clock

The variability of the composition of biotite, its sensitivity to changes in external conditions, as well as the “hospitable attitude” to elemental and mineral impurities, are highly appreciated by scientists. Chemical analysis of biotite is like a photograph of the time of formation of a mineral. Analytical materials of biotite for a knowledgeable person – a detailed and accurate account of the processes that took place in the distant past.

Healing jewellery