Monthly Archives: February 2018

Healing Crystal Emerald Stone

Healing Crystal Emerald Stone

  • February 15, 2018

Meaning and Uses of Emerald Stone | Healing Crystal

General appearance

In its natural state, it is a very dark green conglomerate, matte and rough on almost all its surface. It has lighter and translucent areas, and others darker (almost black) and shiny with a scaly appearance.


Easy to get if it is not polished, the worked ones are very expensive.


India, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Austria

Zodiac sign


Agate Pencil Points


It is called the stone of inspiration and patience. Maintains balance in relationships and enhances unity, unconditional love, and friendship. It is so linked to the concept of loyalty that, they say if it changes color means that someone is being unfaithful. It also helps to strengthen character and overcome the obstacles of life, regenerating and recovering the spirit of negative emotions and anxiety. Emerald eliminates negativity, focuses attention and raises awareness, being very useful for skills related to clairvoyance. He is also an excellent deviator of magic spells and spells.


It is usually used to cure phobias and to bring to mind what is known unconsciously. It also strengthens the memory and broadens the internal knowledge and vision we have of ourselves, giving us the wisdom to unravel the truth and express ourselves eloquently.


Hold it on the little finger and void rights, position it in the right place. In the company of amethysts, it works incredibly well. Clean often and avoid prolonged contact, is immediately overloaded with negative energy. Do not use opaque emeralds for tuning exercises or mental synchrony with other people.


Use the transparent ones so that their light helps to expel evil spirits in possessed persons. Place in rituals to give knowledge of the present, the past and the future, or to grant spiritual and psychic clarity.

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Cleaning and recharging

Anyone. It is a soft and easily factorable stone, treat with care.

Wearing an emerald, also known as Panna or zammrud brings in intelligent growth. Natural intelligence and mind is the domain of Planet Mercury and attractive this planets power brings in a better understanding of life, a balanced perspective and better ability to grasp deeper subjects too.

– The individual wearing an emerald can visibly see a spurt in creativity, artistic talents, linguistic skills and ability to ideate / innovate better.

– Wearing an emerald can give a huge edge in relation to the communication skills. There is a remarkably better, clearer and lucid style of communication and the individual is able to express oneself with aplomb and confidence.

Black Star Stone

Diopside or Black Star Stone Meaning and Uses

  • February 15, 2018

 Meaning and Uses of Diopside or Black Star Stone

General appearance

Generally carved oval, sphere or cabochon, set in a silver pendant. Greenish black striated and translucent, polished domed and soft. When you lean towards a point of light, a four-pointed star appears that shines inside, projected on the opposite side from which the light comes, similar to the one projected by your brother, the star ruby.


Rare and expensive.


Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, India, South Africa, Birma, Madagascar, Brazil and America.

Zodiac sign

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

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Powerful protection amulet. It is said that these stones have powerful spirits inside them, and the star is their reflection. Strengthens the person who leads him in his attitude towards life. Above all, it harmonizes and softens the problems, even those that come from childhood. It grants with moderation harmony and balance. It provides relationships that are more sincere and faithful, between couples and friends. Black stars are stones that reflect the hidden part of ourselves, and bring out our brightest lights, even in the worst moments. Balances extreme mood swings it helps not to cling too much to the past, as well as to reach the knowledge of the spiritual nature of all beings and the background of all phenomena. Intensifies the intuition of the mind. Its energy flows very well through the heart chakra and the third eye. It also helps people who suffered some type of trauma in their childhood.


It has very prominent characteristics of blood and blood cells. Heals relieves and calms leukemia produced in the marrow, regulating the number of white blood cells. Controls and harmonizes coagulation. It balances the metabolism and the absorption of liquids. People who are hemophilic and those who tend to get bruises, bruises or spills often should always wear a pendant or ring, or take an elixir of this mineral weekly. This also enhances the production of vitamin C.

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Meditating we will place it on the forehead and it will help us to heal and alleviate the mental blockages caused by childhood.


Place on the altar to increase the protection of the circle.

Cleaning and recharging

Clean once a month under a jet of cold water. Each new moon can be placed on a pile of hematite to load it. It also responds well to the light of the full moon.